42 photos   2064 visits

member since 14 July 2011


Hello !! My name is Adriana Violeta but I like ppl call me JoJo or Ciufii :D

I wanna thnx to my friend Deduxa because she told me about this site . Sometimes maybe i will be wrong at english so dont judge me :D

Some things abt me :
- Age : 15 years old
- I love red-' most on my hair :))
- Im crazy , i love fashion' etc etc..

Comments • 4

xSunrise 14 July 2011  
Hi JoJo :-] `
RebeccaBlack 14 July 2011  
Hello, girl
JoJoLoveesYouh 14 July 2011  
Heei :) U'r Becca Black ?? I like u'r song
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